An inexpensive way for you to connect with your customer is to print greeting cards. Custom greeting cards not only reinforce your brand, but it also gives your company a personal touch. Valentine’s Day, Canada Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are just a few of the major holidays Canadians celebrate. This short list could correspond to a quarterly greeting card campaign, as an example. Just make sure your greeting cards fit the holiday spirit. Don’t try to cut costs and send out generic greeting cards all year ’round!
Personal Connections
Birthdays are the perfect excuse to make a point of contact. Send your loved one a birthday greeting card wishing them a happy birthday and don’t forget to put your contact information on the back of the card or include a gift certificate or coupon.
Do you have an electronic mailing list? We can customize each and every single card with variable data like names, images and custom information to let your contact know that they’re being thought of as special and unique.
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The Graphiczoo is Vancouver's one-stop digital print shop.
Graphic designers in Vancouver have known about the Graphiczoo since they first opened at the edge of Yaletown over twenty years ago. Word has gotten around in that time and the Graphiczoo has become the first choice for anyone, designer, student or office manager, looking for great quality digital printing with great prices and quick turnaround times.
Come by and visit. We'd love to show you what we can do and how we can help with your digital printing needs.
FedEx Package Tracking
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Click the above image to download the Illustrator graphic design template
Click the above image to download the Photoshop graphic design template
[soliloquy slug="homepage"]
The Graphiczoo is Vancouver's one-stop digital print shop.
Graphic designers in Vancouver have known about the Graphiczoo since they first opened at the edge of Yaletown over twenty years ago. Word has gotten around in that time and the Graphiczoo has become the first choice for anyone, designer, student or office manager, looking for great quality digital printing with great prices and quick turnaround times.
Come by and visit. We'd love to show you what we can do and how we can help with your digital printing needs.
FedEx Package Tracking
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