Creating your Document
Follow these simple steps to create your layout.
Download our graphic design template (currently available in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop formats)
Open the document in the appropriate program and open the layers pallet.
You will find 3 layers:
Layer One – Artwork Background
Layer Two – Production Guides
Layer Three – Customer Artwork
Following the guides create or place you artwork in Layer three (Customer Artwork).
Once your artwork is complete turn off the guides and/or example layers by clicking the eye icon beside the layer.
Convert all text to outlines in Illustrator or rasterize the text layers in Photoshop (see converting text section in this doc).
Save your file as an Illustrator PDF or Photoshop PDF file. For double sided documents, repeat the process and save as: filename_back
Checking Your Document
It is very important to review your document’s safe margin, bleeds and trim.
Important Document Setup Tips
Bleed Area: The very edges of the document are called the bleed area. To prevent an unwanted white border from showing at the edge of your document, be sure to extend any background colors or design elements all the way to the edge.
Trim Marks: The area marked by the red lines is called the trim line. This is the finished size of the business card. The actual cut happens close to the trim line, but due to the mechanical tolerances involved in printing, the actual cut can happen anywhere from the bleed area to the safe margin. This is why it is important to keep your text and important images within the safe margin.
Safe Margin: The area marked by the white line is called the safe margin. Please remember to keep all important information, like names, addresses, phone numbers or logos within the safe margin (at least .137″ from the edge) to ensure that they aren’t cut off when your document is trimmed.